Greeting from Andreas to MACUA
- Details
- Category: Africa
- Created: Sunday, 09 February 2025 09:57
- Hits: 43
Dear Miners and Families, Dear Friends of MACUA, We miners of the world stand shoulder to shoulder with the miners and their families in Stilfontein, who take on dangerous and hard work to survive with their families. Miners are miners, we do not allow ourselves to be divided into migrant or local, industrial or artisanal miners.
I am Andreas Tadysiak and worked underground as an electrician in the coal mines for 35 years. As a trade unionist and former miner, I support MACUA's statement that the South African government and its police have committed murder against the miners and must be charged for it!
In their greed for maximum profit, the international mining monopolies from the USA, China, India and the EU mercilessly intensify the exploitation and oppression of the miners. The result is tens of thousands of industrial accidents and thousands of dead miners. Our international programme of struggle states, among other things: ‘... the artisanal and small-scale miners are criminalised, imprisoned, persecuted and their means of production destroyed.’
We are rising up against this and fighting for a dignified life and a future worth living for our children.
Today we are carrying out protest actions in Germany in support of your demands and we want to discuss with you how the struggle can be continued.
The participants of the 3rd International Miners' Conference 2023 in Germany have unanimously decided: “No struggle must stand alone! Cross-border solidarity, coordination and cooperation are the order of the day!” We have to become even better and faster at this.
Millions of miners worldwide are a force to be reckoned with when they stand together and stamp their feet in unison – join the International Miners‘ Coordination!
Together we can do it!
Fighting and solidary greetings
Andreas Tadysiak
Main Coordinator of the International Miners’ Coordination