India: support for the general strike
- Details
- Parent Category: Worldwide struggles
- Created: Monday, 06 November 2017 17:35
- Hits: 6256

Dear Colleagues,
we have heard that the miners and workers in India are going to do a sit in. We support your struggle for the important demands of the workers.
We commit ourselves to make known your demonstration in the continents and spread worldwide through our homepage, as well as to organize the solidarity. You can be sure of the support and solidarity of miners and people in the mining regions around the world. Today, international mining corporations are operating worldwide and, together with them, are exacerbating exploitation and oppression.
It is time to coordinate and align miners' demands and struggles around the world. So what could be more appropriate than supporting each other and strengthening one another's back?
The fight for jobs and environmental protection and the international leadership of the fighting has become a real requirement for the labor movement today. The decided merger of Thyssenkrupp and the Indian monopoly Tata proves drastically: not by environmental regulations tens of thousands of jobs will be destroyed - but primarily by mega-mergers, in order to gain world market leadership! With the reorganization of international production, the systematic and all-round destruction of the vital unity of man and nature has been drastically promoted. That's why international industrial workers must also be at the forefront of a global environmental movement based on active resistance.
Good luck and a happy new year!
Andreas Tadysiak
Main Coordinator of the International Miners Coordination Group