India: Daily propaganda at the mines
- Detalles
- Publicado: Miércoles, 25 Enero 2017 09:41
- Visto: 3584
The Indian brigadists and the IFTU comrades are daily at the mines to notify and make propaganda for the 2nd International Miners' Conference at Godavarikhani. In the morning of January 25 there were held two meetings at two open mine pits one on shift change and one at breakfast break at the canteen. After short music inserts at the beginning the general secretary of IFTU and Kumas the representative of the local IFTU Branch of Godavarikhani held speeches which were well recogniced. Also the main coordinator of International Coordinating Group Andreas Tadysiak greeted the audience shortly. With the collections they got about 4600 Rupees (75 – 80 Euro). The miners were speeking in groups long after the event and thanked the Main Coordinator and the IFTU secretaries. They were proud having the International Miners' Conference at them.