Kazakhstan: Declaration of Protest to Arcelor Mittal
- Detalles
- Publicado: Lunes, 06 Agosto 2018 15:08
- Visto: 1599
to Arcelor Mittal Headquarters
24-26, Boulevard d'Avranches
L-1160 Luxemburg
Dear Sir or Madam,
we have learned that your company Arcelor Mittal Temirtau does not meet some of its social obligations towards the workers. On the contrary, there are increasing attempts to remove or obstruct trade union rights, especially those of the miners and staff in the steel mill. At the same time, employees are being dismissed by illegal methods and the management of your company violates and ignores Kazakhstan's legislation.
We strongly protest against the restriction of trade union rights of the steel mills’ miners and workers, as well as against the illegal methods of your manager Anna Adom. Our programme of struggle states: "For free union and political activity! For a complete all-rounded legal right to strike! For the trade unions as militant organizations for defending and improving our living, wage and working conditions! We are against any form of class collaboration policy on the backs of the workers and their families! We struggle for the preservation and expansion of democratic rights and freedom!
We wholeheartedly support the struggle of the miners and steel millers for their trade union and civil democratic rights.
Good luck,
International Coordination Group of the International Miners Coordination