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Programme for the struggle of the International Miners' Coordination


The 1st International Miners' Conference 2013 in Arequipa, Peru with representatives from 25 countries of four continents was a very significant step towards the unification of miners in the whole world. We were guided by the principle that we miners, together with our families, must cooperate and coordinate our struggles on an international level if we want to become a superior force against the international mining monopolies and their governments. In our founding conference we resolved that: “It is less and less possible today, isolated from each other and locally restricted, to assert ourselves against the international mining monopolies. What we need is the unity of workers worldwide!”²

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India: Opening celebrations, interesting county reports, beginning of the General Assembly and an amazing cultural program

Following yesterday‘ s opening of the 2nd International Miners' Conference the second day started with an opening ceremony. The location was full of people. At the beginning a flag was hissed in celebration. Justice Gopal Gowda from the supreme court spoke and the delegates and attendees were greeted by the ICG. After the opening celebrations the international delegates presented their country reports.

They reported about urgent problems of the miners and their families, spoke of their experiences in struggle, notably about the struggles against the consequences of surface mining, massive environmental damages and against the massive suppression by corporations and the state.
In the afternoon the first part of the General Assembly, the heart of the conference, started with delegates from 16 countries. A number of further delegates were denied their visa or they have been hindered in other ways from coming to India. After the introductory decisions the delegates discussed the work report of the ICG and unanimously approved it. The connection between  national and international struggles and their coordination played a major role. After that the discussion on the draft of the practical program of struggle started. During this a lot of motions for amendments were brought forward.

The Indian brigadists prepared and offered excellent Indian food. International brotherhood and exciting political discussions predominated. Under difficult conditions translators and technicians increasingly mastered their tasks in the course the day.

At the end of the exhausting but inspiring day, an exciting cultural evening took place. It offered a good mixture of contributions of Indian culture groups as well as the ideas that the delegates contributed from their countries. This resulted in increasing the feeling of fellowship within the international miners community.

India: Militant, diversified and culturally impressive opening of the 2nd International Miners' Conference

The opening of the 2nd International Miners' Conference in Godavarikani/India on 2 February 2017 was an impressive, militant demonstration of miners with 6000 participants. At the gathering point of the demonstration cultural and trade-union groups practiced their lively contributions. Aside from the international delegates and brigadists, miners from all regions of India came. The demonstration was dominated by the miners and their families from the region.

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