Перу: заявление о солидарности с бастующими шахтерами
- Подробности
- Родительская категория: Борьба во всём мире
- Создано: 28.07.2017 19:20
- Просмотров: 6272

Dear Colleagues,
We have heard of the courageous strike of the miners, steelworkers and metalworkers of Peru.
We support your struggle for the preservation of the right to strike and the expansion of workers' democratic rights and the important economic demands of the workers.
We commit ourselves to make this strike known in the continents and spread your struggle on our homepage worldwide, as well as to organize the solidarity.
You can be assured of the support and solidarity of miners and the population in the mining regions around the world. Today, international mining companies are active worldwide, intensifying the exploitation and oppression together with their governments.
It is time to coordinate and harmonize the demands and combat steps of the miners around the world.
In the meantime the Chilean copper miners decided to strike on two collieries of the "Antofagasta Minerals", one of the world's largest copper producers, during the same period as your strike began.
So what would be closer than to support each other and strengthen their backs?
For this reason, more than ever, the motto adopted by the first International Mining Conference in Arequipa / Peru is relevant and up to date:
The united miners of this world are invincible!
Los mineros unidos, jamas seran vencidos!
Good luck and a hearty happiness!
Andreas Tadysiak
Main Coordinator of ICG