India, January 28th, 2017: Joint mobilization efforts of two local trade unions together with the international brigadists
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- Publication : dimanche 29 janvier 2017 06:32
- Affichages : 5303
The 2nd International Miners' Conference is approaching. The local trade unions in Godavari Khani are preparing the conference together. Today a joint effort of the different trade unions for the mobilization and financing of the conference took place. It was great that the trade- union youth played an active role, as you can see in the pictures. This new practical cooperation immediately showed its positive worth with an much higher donation outcome. In mobilizations at three mines, 1200 Rupees were gathered. The president of IFTU said that he was sure that three times as much would have been gathered, if there hadn't been the chaos with the devaluation of banknotes since the end of 2016. Therefore people have only gotten very little cash from the banks for some time now.
The brigadists from home and abroad ended their mobilization with a fraternization with chai, song and dance.