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India: Trade unions coordinate the preparations for the 2nd IMC

12 different trade unions and organisations cooperated in India in the National Preparatory Committee.  On 26 January a meeting was held in Godavari Khani attended by around 70 people from another IFTU trade union along with the Secretary General of the other IFTU Praadep Burgula, Murthy from the National Preparatory Committee and the Main Coordinator of the ICG Andreas Tadysiak from Germany. The purpose of the meeting was to join and coordinate forces in the preparations and mobilization, as well as the organisational preparation and the staging and financing of the Conference.

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Conclusion de la 2e Conférence internationale des travailleurs des mines couronnée de succès

Le 5 février 2017 à 17 h à Godavarikhani/Inde, la 2e Conférence internationale des travailleurs des mines s’est terminée avec succès par une cérémonie de clôture exaltante, où on a chanté deux chansons, celle des mineurs, « Santa Barbara », et celle du mouvement international des travailleurs, l’« Internationale ». Lors d’une conférence de presse du 6 février, le Groupe international de coordination (ICG), fraîchement élu, a estimé que la conférence était pleinement réussie. Il a annoncé qu’à l’Assemblée constituante du nouvel ICG, le Coordinateur principal, Andréas Tadysiak, ainsi que le trésorier et le vérificateur des comptes avaient été réélus dans leurs fonctions.

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India 28.1.2017 – Joint action of two local Unions together with the international brigadists to invite the miners to the international conference

The 2nd International Miners' Conference puts in his focus. The local Unions in Godavari Khani are now preparing the conference together. Today there has been a joint action to mobilise and for financing the conference. The joint action together with Union youngsters fit very good together as you can see on the pictures. This new common work has been the basis of the collection which showed very good results – on 3 mines we collected 12.000 Rupees altogether. The President of the IFTU Union commented that it could have been as three times higher if the actuell currency problems didn't hinder our collection. The miners just haven't enough money in their pockets to contribute. The joint action with the local brigadists and the brigadists from abroad ended with singing and dancing together.

India - Meeting with the local welcome comitee

On january 24th 2017 a conference took place at the IFTU office in Godavari Khani under the leadership of the president of the national preparatory comitee among representatives of the ICG namely Andreas Tadysiak and Pradeep Burgula and the local welcome comitee. It  consists of well known personages among them the president of Civil Rights Liberties who fights for civil rights, poets, tradesmen, a wellknown peasants leader, a lawyer who is working in the womens movement. More than 20 people were gathering together.

The representative of the ICG put out the international character of the 2nd International Miners' Conference  (2nd IMC), reportet of the preparatories of the conference and thanked everybody for their support so far. S. Kumas, second secretary of IFTU localy, put forward the manifold activities of the local preparatory groups in front of the mines and residental quaters for advertising and financing the 2nd IMC. Different members of the welcome comitee comment dedicated with distinct ideas and noted  their joy and big support for the conference. They all want to share financing the conference, want to take part with friends and advanced their wishes to bring in their special desires at the conference.
Since long time ago Godavari respectively Singarini  was called  Manchester of India. The workers although the population and peasants have a long lasting tradition of struggles up to armed rebellions. On the other hand special repression in this area is evident. One important question was which chances offers the particular role and perspective of the conference to the workers and the broad masses. In this context the  aspect of struggling together internationaly against the international working monopoly and their governements to fight for the workers  and their living conditions and the safety of the enviroment obtains special importants.  
Particulary he stresses  out the conference will contribute to the struggle to stop the open cast mining. The open cast mining will destroy work places, concerning 300 villages will be expelled and it  represents an extraordernary enviromental pollution. During the discussion many different aspects and arguments occure.

India: Daily propaganda at the mines

The Indian brigadists and the IFTU comrades are daily at the mines to notify and make propaganda for the 2nd International Miners' Conference at Godavarikhani. In the morning of January 25 there were held two meetings at two open mine pits one on shift change and one at breakfast break at the canteen. After short music inserts at the beginning the general secretary of IFTU and Kumas the representative of the local IFTU Branch of Godavarikhani held speeches which were well recogniced. Also the main coordinator of International Coordinating Group Andreas Tadysiak greeted the audience shortly. With the collections they got about 4600 Rupees (75 – 80 Euro). The miners were speeking in groups long after the event and thanked the Main Coordinator and the IFTU secretaries. They were proud having the International Miners' Conference at them.

Registration 2. IMC

The Registration for the 2nd International Minersconference 2017 can be made here oline.

There is also the possibility here the registration form to print out and to send to the ICG to the following address:

International Coordination Group

Schmalhorststr. 1

5889 Gelsenkirchen


Participants of 2. IMC

Participation as:

Practical support and skills:

I request the sending of an official invitation letter.
