Декларация солидарности с украинскими шахтерами
- Подробности
- Создано: 15.06.2018 16:09
- Просмотров: 1712
At the meeting of the International Coordination of the Miners we heard about your month-long struggle for the complete payment of wages and about the intimidation and repression that you have been experiencing through the Ukrainian secret service. We, the ICG, support the protest resolution of our main coordinator and strongly protest against this attack upon the trade union rights of the miners and their right to strike.
Because back wages have been pending or only partially paid for many months, your families are hungering. They can no longer afford the necessary health care. We will not allow that the families of our brothers are hungering. We call upon the mining companies and the government to pay out the back wages immediately and completely.
We support the unbroken and courageous resistance of the miners in Ukraine with all our hearts. We call upon the miners of the world to show solidarity with your struggle and to support you with donations.
International Miners Coordination (ICG)
in May 2018