India 28.1.2017 – Joint action of two local Unions together with the international brigadists to invite the miners to the international conference
Опубликовано: 29.01.2017 16:59
Просмотров: 1479
The 2nd International Miners' Conference puts in his focus. The local Unions in Godavari Khani are now preparing the conference together. Today there has been a joint action to mobilise and for financing the conference. The joint action together with Union youngsters fit very good together as you can see on the pictures. This new common work has been the basis of the collection which showed very good results – on 3 mines we collected 12.000 Rupees altogether. The President of the IFTU Union commented that it could have been as three times higher if the actuell currency problems didn't hinder our collection. The miners just haven't enough money in their pockets to contribute. The joint action with the local brigadists and the brigadists from abroad ended with singing and dancing together.