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- Created: Tuesday, 04 August 2015 01:18
- Hits: 4289
The first international miners conference, meeting in Arequipa Peru, on days 1, 2 and 3 March 2013, with the participation of men and women miners, workers in the oil industry, farmers, environmentalists and researchers from 26 countries of world, knowing first hand the development of the strike of more than 12,000 workers, direct and outsourced, of coal mine Cerrejon, in the department of Guajira in Colombia, led by "COAL WORKERS UNION OF COLOMBIA -SINTRACARBON and recognizing the import ance of mobilization and fight of miners worldwide and the importance of these mobilizations in Colombia.
That since 29 November of 2012, SINTRACARBON, presented a list of demands to the company CARBONES DEL CERREJON LIMITED, COLOMBIA, which operates the open pitcoal America's largest, owned by multinationals XSTRATA-GLENCORE, ANGLO AMERICAN and BHP BILLITON, despoiling the Colombians of this important energy source and raw material that is only produced for export.
That this statement seeks to improve living conditions for workers and their families on health and occupational hazards, dignity and fairness with outsourced labours.
That mobilization and fight of coal workers, also includes the fight for environmental protection and respect for indigenous and peasant communities in La Guajira and Cesar.
That given the intransigence of employers, the workers decided to go on strike legal and legitimate from february 7, with great impact on economic and social level, which has generated great solidarity, regional, national and international, for the correctness of their requests.
That in 2012, workers in the coal mine fourth largest open pit in the world, in LA JAGUA DEIBIRICO (Colombia), owned by the Switzerland multinational, GLENCORE, resisted for 98 days on strike led by the National Unionworkers of the mining industry, SINTRAMIENERGETICA, and were forced to resume their work without resolving their demands.
That all participants at the First International miners Conference, from more than 26 countries around the world, recognize these multinationals own CERREJON, and mines of LA JAGUA DEIBIRICO because in their countries also operate and violate labor rights and union workers, using violence and destroy the environment.
SUPPORTOF LEGITIMATE STRIKE OF WORKERS IN EL CERREJON (Colombia), recognizing the identity of purpose with labor considerations, social and environmental have been imposed by the multinationals against workers, peoples and nature of their territories and that have been discussed extensively in this international event.
Required Cerrejón Limited and its shareholders of the multinationals GLENCORE, XSTRATA AND BHP BILLITON, the immediate solution to the demands of the workers to enable a just solution to the conflict that threatens to spread to other sectors of Colombian society.
Similarly support workers fight of Company CARBONES DE LA JAGUA, who were forced to suspend the strike and remain unresolved their just demands and claims against the multinational.
Make a public complaint worldwide, from multinational Glencore, Xstrata and BHP Billiton, the super-exploitation of workers and communities of EL CERREJON COLOMBIA and LA JAGUA DEIBIRICO, by destroying the environment and the immense damage caused the dignity and sovereignty of the Colombian people,
Promote an ongoing campaign of accompaniment and solidarity from different countries until the solution of this conflict.
Given the 3 day of March 2013, in Arequipa Peru.
250 attendants