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India: Murthy our friend and fighter died

Dear friends, Today Pradeep from India has informed us that our friend Murthy died last night in Puducheri/India. He succumbed to cancer after a long struggle. We mourn sincerely and with all our heart for our friend Murthy. His death is a great, irretrievable loss - for us miners - his relatives, his comrades. The memory of Murthy and of what he did for the international miners' coordination across party lines, his party and for his friends and makes it possible for us to overcome our grief.

Expressions of condolence below: Receive sincere condolences from the Kenyan Peasants League, Brigadist of the 2nd International Miners' Conference, From the Philippines by the KMU, The SA miners and SA Automotive co-ordinating committee, other condolences in Spanish and German

We got to know Murthy as a conscientious and militant organizer in the national preparatory committee of the 2nd International Miners' Conference. He has contributed with his idea that the miners of the world, across different views and traditional differences, should unite and form a common force against the international monopolies and the international financial capital, and he has contributed with all his strength and knowledge to the success of this conference. We will not forget Murthy and we mourn also here in Germany for a reliable friend who has rendered outstanding services to the miners and their families on an international level. Andrew Tadysiak Main Coordinator of the International Miners' Coordination Group

Heartfelt condolences to Murthy's family and to Pradeep - this are sad news. We will preserve Murthy and his commitment to the Indian and international miners' movement.
Warmest regards, from Germany

Receive sincere condolences from the Kenyan Peasants League The International Miners Coordination Group has indeed suffered a big loss. KPL wish his family, friends, comrades and in deed the entire Miners Coordination Group strength and energy during this trying moment May he rest in power
Brigadist of the 2nd International Miners' Conference
Thank you for your message. Murthy left a deep impression on us brigadists. He was no longer the youngest and struggled through everything concerning the organization of the brigadists' stay in Godavarikani and the conference. I keep him in my memory, all love
From the Philippines by the KMU
Our deep condolences

Dear comrades
We heard with sorrow and deepest sympathy the death of comrade Murthy, the leader of the International mines conference.
The SA miners and SA Automotive co-ordinating committee convey to the family of comrade Murthy the words of condoleces.