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Declaration of Solidarity with the miners in Chiatura

Dear miners, miner families and friends, we congratulate you and the struggling people of Chiatura on your protest actions in recent days and on your demonstration! ‘No struggle must stand alone!‘ was decided at the 3rd International Miners’ Conference in 2023 in Germany, which was also attended by participants from Georgia and Chiatura.

The call for donations by the preparatory group for the establishment of the European coordination of miners, ‘5,000 euros to support the struggle of the miners in Chiatura, Georgia’, is an important step towards making this slogan a reality. The militant international miners‘ coordination stands firmly by your side and fully supports the struggle for your jobs and apprenticeships! We consider your demands for environmentally friendly mining and for those affected to be compensated for the damage caused by mining to be just as important.

The environmental resolution of the 3rd International Miners’ Conference states:

The survival of humanity is threatened by the capitalist profit economy!

Every day we miners extract from the earth the riches of nature, which the international mining corporations unabashedly appropriate... If capitalism, with its intensified competition, can only function on the basis of the destruction of the international foundations of life, we declare war on it as a whole system!

If the mining monopolies and governments internationally enforce the destructive exploitation of people and nature today, we will consolidate the international union, strengthen the international miners' coordination and the union with other social and environmental movements...

We do not know all your demands and cannot comment on them comprehensively; but I would like to say to you as the main coordinator of the international miners' coordination: the governments of the world are in bondage to international finance and industry capital and subordinate themselves to their interests. They are closely interwoven with the capitalist states and we workers must have no illusions about the state organs. The workers and the population can and must fight for environmental regulations and laws to protect nature and be vigilant to ensure that these are adhered to.

Our strength is international working-class unity – we must work on that!

I look forward to participating in your workers' conference on 31 March 2025 and to the comradely discussion about the path and goal of the struggles of the miners of the world.

With best regards and in solidarity,

Andreas Tadysiak