Nairobi: Report of Delegates Meeting
- Details
- Published: Sunday, 18 December 2016 17:59
- Hits: 4202
It was held on 12 November 2016 at Mathare in Nairobi Attendance.
1. Mining Act 2016 Highlights
2. Election of Delegate to IMC & Endorsement of Founding Resolutions
3. Development of Country Report
4. AOB
Mining Act 2016 Highlights
The Convener of the Kenyan Peasants League took the delegates through the new Mining Act 2016.
He stated that although the latest act was progressive, it was still not addressing the plight of the communities and the miners as it is still protective of the mining companies.
David stated that the act should focus more on protecting the environments for sustainability.
David to share the Act with all the delegates
Election of Delegate to Represent Kenya at the IMC & Adoption of Founding Resolution
It was informed the delegates that the International Coordination Group has sent a letter asking the Kenyans to elect a delegate to represent Kenya at the International Mining Conference to be held in India.
A Delegate proposed that members to nominate three people so that the delegates present can choose one of them to attend. Members agreed with the proposal.
Proposals were made...
Development of Country Report
A Delegate reported that a draft report was in place and there was need to finalize it so that it can be shared with the IGC and added that most of the draft report was composed of secondary data review of existing reports about the mining situation in Kenya and asked that there was need to get up to date information by conducting primary survey.
A Dalegate proposed that all the delegates need to forward information in one week times regarding the current situation of miners in their areas.
A Delegate proposed that a team headed by David be formed and that this team will receive the primary information and collate them. The proposal was adopted.
The following were proposed to be in the team...
A Delegate informed the delegates that call by the IGC for participation in the international Day of Struggle for the Protection of the Natural Environment on 12 November 2016 in parallel to the World Climate Conference of the UN in Marrakesh (Morocco).
Members agreed that a report should be done about the failure of such conferences to address issues of climate justice and share with the IGC.
A Delegate informed the meeting that he was scheduled to travel to Marrakesh but was removed from the list due to his insistence on Climate Justice and the inability of past COPs to address the plight of miners and people who are affected by destruction of environment.
A show by children of miners about environment also took place.
There being no any other business the meeting was adjourned.
Next meeting will be held in Kwale in January at a date to be decided later.