Iran: Appeal: We must not be silent in the face of injustice against Iranian workers!
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- Published: Wednesday, 30 November -0001 01:00
- Hits: 3054
Only a few days have passed, , since the May Day celebrations, the day of solidarity of the workers of the world, that we are hearing of the tragic deaths of miners of the Yurt Mine in Golestan province of Iran. The explosion of ''Yurt'' Mine, is caused by the reckless and inhuman behavior of the Islamic Republic towards the Iranian workers. Over the past few days, the arrest of protesting workers for the banning of the May Day celebration was the Islamic Regime's concern. The Islamic Regime of Iran never accepts responsibility for the workers' lives. Work - related accidents nationwide are out of control, and workplaces are highly unsecured. The Iranian workers don't have any security life wise and economically in any field of work. Their late unpaid wages on time is always one of the topics in their protests. Minimum wages of Iranian worker has been assessed as 4 times below the poverty line. Well known and trusted labor activists, are in prison with the harshest conditions.
In the aftermath of the explosion at Yurt Mine, dozens of miners have been buried alive in a depth of 1200 meters underground and have lost their lives. According to the reports, this Mine doesn't have any emergency exits and it is one – sided. The trapped miners of this Mine have been deprived of their wages and their pays have not been paid on time. According to the reports, prior to this accident, any protest by miners to the unsafe working environment in this Mine, was equal to facing dismissal. State media gives conflicting news on the status of the trapped and injured miners of this tragic & devastating incident to the public, and the Minster of Labor of Islamic Republic, blames the trapped miners for this disaster, whilst the miners of the Yurt Mine, before the fatal accident occurred, have repeatedly warned officials of a gas leak. We, the social and political activists, whilst feeling the great impact of this accident, condemn the anti – labor policies of the Islamic Republic, extend our and sympathies, solidarity and condolences to the families and colleagues of the victims. We are asking all of the international institutions and Trade unions, progressive people, and organizations defending human and workers rights, to strongly condemn the anti –labor policies of the Islamic Republic, and show their protests by expressing it to the Iranian authorities. Gozareshgaran site This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.