Indonesia: To the miners at Freeport, West Papua
- Details
- Published: Wednesday, 30 November -0001 01:00
- Hits: 2139

Dear colleagues, we heard about the violent procedure of police and army with employment of rubber bullets and water guns against your justified blockade of the mine in 19 August 2017 with great outrage. That is a political scandal! Your protest against the political dismissal of 4,200 miners because of their participation in a strike is completely justified, also in view of the inhuman refusal of medical care for thousands of miners and their families over 4 months! That has already led to 10 people dying because they were dismissed from hospital without treatment.
The reason for all that is,that the billion dollar US mining enterprise Freeport McMoRan stopped the payment for your health care! We support your demand for: Immediate release of all imprisoned miners! Reinstatement of all imprisoned miners! Immediate complete health care for all miners and their families! For a full legal right to strike in all matters! Worldwide, the miners struggles against the attacks of the international mining enterprises against our political and social rights are increasing as well as the brutal overexploitation of the natural environment is increasingly met with protest. In the last 8 weeks alone, tens of thousands of miners in Peru demonstrated against the restriction of the right to strike by the government, in South Africa miners demonstrated against the dismissals at Anglo-Ashanti Gold in the beginning of August. At the 2nd International Miners' Conference in India 2017, we agreed on the opinion that we need to coordinate our demands and struggles worldwide in order to become a superior force over the international corporations. We as International Coordination Group of the Miners' Coordination, elected at the 2nd International Miners' Conference, take on this task. It would be an important strengthening of our International Coordination if organizations, initiatives or movements from Indonesia would participate in our coordination, too! With a warm
Glück Auf (German miner's saying for good luck) Andreas Tadysiak Main Coordinator