Joint statement by 15 organisations on May Day
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- Parent Category: Worldwide struggles
- Created: Monday, 03 May 2021 02:41
- Hits: 833
Joint statement of 15 organization including : syndicates and other independent labor organizations ,teachers trade associations,independent retirees organizations and women rights advocate organizations for May First,International labor day Long live May First The day of international solidarity of the workers of the world.
This year we are celebrating May First ,the day of solidarity of the workers of the world,when the world health crisis has affected the lives of the workers. Global Corona contagion (Covid 19) along with the economic crisis, have put the workers and wage earners, and small business men in a very hard situation . In Iran because of mismanagement of the government and state the situation is worse than any other places. Lack of an effective health system and not having necessary quarantines along with funding people's lives from the state have caused the livelihood crisis among the poor people.In spite of workers demand for immediate and free vaccination , people of power deliberately postpone this and with making crisis try to secure the profits of some special group in the ruling class. In doing that they insist on producing the domestic vaccines and making the private sector involved. This, in turn, has engulfed large segments of the population, especially the middle classes of society, in increasing poverty And the growing number of them has been marginalized.Meanwhile, the situation of women workers and toilers is the most deplorable. According to existing statistics, 70 percent of women workers have been fired and out of work under the pretext of the coronavirus pandemic. In the case of livelihoods, this instability and the process of systematic destituteness of wage-earners, with maximum discrimination, has, above all, manifested itself in the livelihoods of women which low employment rights, being at the forefront of expulsion and unemployment and isolating female workers are among the consequence, for its part, inflicted another great wound on the body of iran's working class. Meanwhile, the situation of women who work at home and have lost their income is the worst.both gender discrimination and unemployment and bankruptcy have put additional pressure on this part of Iran's workforce. Nevertheless, workers in Iran and their allies have been actively fighting and pursuing tirelessly in the past year when the balance of power has not benefited them and labor activists and other social movements were under multi-layered and systematic repression. Workers and wage earners in different sectors of the economy from major industries such as petrochemicals, hepco, Azarab, Haft Tappeh sugar cane, Tehran Bus Company, Khuzestan Steel Co. and to teachers, retirees, students and women, have advanced their struggles in various ways and have demonstrated their opposition to the harsh and neoliberal policies of the state and government.In the meantime, we can particularly mention the tireless struggles of haft tappeh workers, who have raised important and basic issues such as privatization, large embezzlement of shareholders and the main owners of Haft Tappeh at the community level and, in contrast, have spoken of the role of the worker in decision-making and council administration. Campaigns supported by their allies around the world. To the extent that we have repeatedly witnessed statements and campaigns supporting workers, trade unions and trade unions in far and near the world. In the face of these national and international solidarities, pro-capitalist tendencies suggest and propose all kinds of plans and alternatives to exiting the crisis one after the other. Every day a new trick is presented. But iran's workers have experienced that the solution to these problems and the release of these problems cannot be raised by those who themselves play a leading role in creating them under this or that name. Workers are no longer deceived by lies, including election promises and promises that are repeated every few years The solution is also not derived from falling in love with the great world powers (whatever their colours and kind) and the game of politics between them. Such attachments to powers in political geography – both global and regional – are in fact the pawning and giving of the hardworking masses and the paving road for the dominators to exploit the country's resources, as well as the decisive influence of foreigners in macroeconomic, political, and strategic decision-making.The question of world hegemonic powers has never been and is never the protection of the interests of the working class and the working masses anywhere in the world. The solution in Iran, such as the class struggle in other parts of the world, is only from class unity and solidarity between the workers themselves and their linkage and cooperation with others by forming and maintaining their independent ranks, Iran's workers and wage earners should not allow the abuse of non-workers and their deceptive and risky schemes in defense of capitalism, which have no sign of social justice and acceptance of the role of workers in the management of society. The fact is that we workers are facing a dispersal problem in the present situation, and this is a warning that despite the continuation of work and sacrifice in the struggle and despite the declaration of open and genuine solidarity and empathy among the activists of social movements, without a serious and organized and nationwide cooperation among all workers and toilers, we will not be able to confront anti-worker policies and change the existing conditions. We have experienced many times how, in the absence of independent labor organizations and representatives, the issue of determining salaries has at least become ridiculously repetitive and dismal. While the poverty line for an Iranian household living in major cities should be at least 12 million Tomans, and even the affiliated and governmental organizations such as The Worker's House(khane Kargar) speaks from 8 to 9 million, refused to accept the estimated household basket cost of 8 million and 200,000 tomans, and did not even pay attention to the moans and laments of representatives of accepted and affiliated organizations. Now, the lack of organization within the labor units and the regional and national organizations of workers has manifested itself more strongly than ever before and calls for a tireless struggle to create them. Without such a coherent and nationwide organization, the effects of the presence and struggle of workers would not be very significant and the results would be minimal, unsupported and fragile. In the current situation, it is more necessary to establish a cooperation council between different sectors of workers, employees and wage earners, teachers, retirees, women, students and the unemployed. This is not a duty among other duties, but the main circle of organizing work in society and among workers and toilers. Without coordination and going towards the establishment of cooperative and nationwide institutions to jointly guide the movements of demands, the power of these courageous and consistent protest movements demands are wasted ,and it paved the way to suppress them. Efforts to converge between sporadic struggles and the expansion of solidarity in the year ahead will be an urgent and vital necessity Strikes, the creation of free and independent labor organizations, is the indisputable right of The Workers of Iran! :The release of the workers will only be possible by the workers themselves! April 26 2021 1- Syndicate of workers of Tehran and Suburban Bus Company 2- Syndicate of workers of haft tappeh sugarcane industry 3- Cultural Association of Islamshahr 4- Gilan Cultural Association 5- Marivan Teachers' Association 6. Aligudarz Cultural Union 7. Kurdistan Teachers' Association/ Saqqez and Zivieh 8. Women's Activist Group "Bidarzani" 9. The Alliance of Retirees 10. Iranian Retirement Council 11. The National Union of Iranian Retirees 12. Retirement Alliance Group 13. Coordination Committee to Help Establish Labor Organizations 14. Committee to pursue the establishment of labor organizations 15. Social Security Retirement Dialogue Center Re-propagation of: Solidarity Committees with Iranian Workers-abroad This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.