This Saturday (6.11.) the Government of Bangladesh will report to the International Labour Organisation on their promises to improve the working conditions of 67 million Bangladeshis
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- Parent Category: Worldwide struggles
- Created: Sunday, 07 November 2021 18:59
- Hits: 668
But despite their past promises, it's been all talk and no action... 35,000 Bangladeshis die at work every year, 8 million are injured. Sexual violence is rife, millions of workplaces are barely monitored by government labour inspectors, and people are trapped in jobs with poverty wages. Workers want #ABetterBangladesh, but it's clear the government of Bangladesh hasn't done enough.
Watch, then share this video and make sure the Bangladesh government isn't the only voice that's heard on Saturday. While working conditions around the world vary, Bangladesh stands out for its failure to protect workers from harm. Bangladesh has been rated 5 – no guarantee of rights – for the past eight years. And it's one of the ten worst countries in the world for working people in 2021, according to the ITUC Global Rights Index. When the Government of Bangladesh stands up to speak at the ILO Governing Body on Saturday the voices of workers cannot be silenced. So join in solidarity with Bangladeshi workers. Click here to watch our hard-hitting video then share it on social media and, together, let's send a message that can't be missed: time's up for the Bangladesh Government. Thank you for using your voice to help amplify the voices of workers calling for #ABetterBangladesh.
Sharan Burrow
ITUC, International Trade Union Confederation