APTUF Strongly condemned a massive death of Mine Workers in ORAKZAI (HANGU) District KPK
- Details
- Parent Category: Worldwide struggles
- Created: Thursday, 31 March 2016 13:25
- Hits: 1838

All Pakistan Trade Union Federation strongly condemned the massive blast in coal mine which causes the death of 10 mine workers and 30 workers were seriously injured in Orkzai, (Hangu).
APTUF express its great concerned that the government and the owner of the private coal & mine has failed to adopt labour laws, and health & safety measure in mine industry.
APTUF express its solidarity with the grieved family and with all the working class in Khyber Pakhtoon khwa.
We demand to:
*Immediate Judicial inquiry should be taken
*Take immediate steps to stop these accidents and provide health and safety measures and provide equipment to all mine workers.
*Labour laws should be implement in all mines
* Arrest and huge fine to mill owner
* 15 lac Rupees given to the grieved workers family, and a treatment of injured workers.
* Provide job to the grieved workers family member
14-N, Industrial Area, Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan