Iran: Chadoremlu mine
- Details
- Parent Category: Worldwide struggles
- Created: Saturday, 19 November 2016 00:12
- Hits: 2629

More than 2,000 mine workers of Chadoremlu mine protest against the bill on amending the labor law imposed by the administration of both Ahmadinejad and Rohani
2,100 mine workers of this mine operation signed a petition and demanded from the parliament members that due to the obvious shortcoming with regard to labor law reform bill, to waver its review in the House and return it to the government.
According to ILNA News Agency, November 4, 2016 in the text of the petition states: Labor law as defining the basic rights of every individual of society, including workers in the country which In Articles 2, 3, 9 and 43, as referred to in Chapter III of the constitution, so the labor law after the constitution set forth as a red line of the people and the workers and its debilitation and destruction is equal to destruction of the rule of law and institutional rights of the people and worker's community and no individual or institution even, the government or the parliament have the right to violate people's rights.
The following text of the petition reads: According to Article 9 of the constitution, no authority has the right in the name of preserving the independence and territorial integrity to deny legitimate freedoms although, by enacting laws and regulations.
At the end of the text, states: The Iranian working class community which makes up of 54% of population based on the reasons below, demand the non-review of labor law reform bill in the House and its recurrence to the government.
The labor law reform bill is contrary to the constitution.
labor law should be comprehensive, that its feature and its approach to be in support of workers, and to prevent exploitation and oppression of the workers, this bill does not have these features.
labor law reform bill is contrary to the text of 25 and 73 of the provisions of the Fifth Development Plan.
This reform labor law bill will destroy the will power of the workers in contract agreement and unjust labor relations will follow.
In this labor law reform bill, we are witnessing the destruction of the tri-lateral negotiations of the trade unions.
In the labor law reform bill, the rights of the trade associations to protest and strike have been denied.