To the miners of Zenica Colliery and all other mines on strike in Bosnia
- Details
- Created: Wednesday, 17 February 2021 21:09
- Hits: 878
Hello miners and your family, I, have learned about your strike for your jobs and for the payment of your outstanding wages. I myself am a former miner underground and I can understand your situation very well. I have been in the situation myself to strike against the threat of mass layoffs. As a miner and main coordinator of the international miners' coordination you have our solidarity. Bosnian
I also see it as my responsibility to support you and to make your struggle known internationally. It is a sign of strength in times when the burden of the crisis is put on the backs of the workers and their families by the world economic and financial crisis, which is intensified by the corona pandemic.
From the experience of our struggle against the closure of underground coal mining in Germany, I would like to tell you: be critical when the masters of the mining corporations talk about "socially acceptable job cuts". Here in Germany, miners who are being denied continued employment and the payment of their wages by RAG are still fighting for their jobs. And this despite the fact that RAG and politicians have always promised: "No miner will fall into the mines". We miners of the world, together with our families, must stand together internationally and unite, cooperate internationally and coordinate our struggles if we are to become a superior force to the international mining monopolies and their governments. I cordially invite you to join our international miners' coordination! Join us in preparing for the 3rd International Miners Conference. Send us reports about your situation and your struggle so that we can publicize it internationally and on our website Good luck in your strike! With militant and solidary greetings and Glück Auf (German miner's greeting)! Andreas Tadysiak
Main coordinator of the international miners coordination