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Declaration of protest: Dear miners of Chvervonogradskaya and Almansnaya mines

You have all my solidarity in your underground strike and your blockades to enforce your interests. I hereby also protest against the actions of the mine operators in the Almansnaya mine, who did not keep their promise to pay the outstanding wages after the end of your strike. Their promise was dishonest as it was immediately and directly broken! I myself worked 35 years underground in the German hard coal mining industry and I can understand your situation.

In 2013, I was elected as the main coordinator of the international coordination group at the first international miners' conference in Peru. In 2017 I was confirmed in this position, where we decided on our common miners' struggle programme. Especially in times when the burdens of the crisis of the world economic and financial crisis, which started in 2018, are being put on the backs of the workers and their families, exacerbated by the corona pandemic. We miners of the world, on the one hand, are particularly affected by this and, on the other hand, are also role models in the struggles for our interests for others. Among other things, we stated at the first international miners' conference in Peru in 2013: "It is less and less possible today to stand up to the international mining monopolies in isolation from each other and in a localised way. What we need is the unity of workers worldwide!" (Excerpt from the founding resolution of the International Miners' Coordination). We miners must unite, cooperate internationally and coordinate our struggles if we are to become a superior force against the international mining monopolies and their governments. I invite you to participate in the preparation and realisation of the 3rd International Miners' Conference 2023 in Thuringia/Germany and would be happy about your participation to also learn from your successes and experiences. We will report about your struggle on our homepage www.minersconference.org if you send us reports and photos so that we can continue to report about your struggle to the miners of the world. Write us how we can support you in your struggle. We wish you much strength and success in your struggle and stand side by side with you! With fighting greetings and a successful new year! Andreas Tadysiak General Coordinator of the International Miners' Coordination