Mine deaths lead to protest rally in Pakistan
- Details
- Parent Category: Worldwide struggles
- Created: Monday, 19 February 2018 00:50
- Hits: 1910
This January was another bloody month for coal workers with 6 workers killed [2] in three separate accidents. Unfortunately, the coal mining industry in Pakistan has a terrible industrial record [3] where workers have few rights and work long hours in unsafe conditions. Following on from the most recent deaths, mining unions held a protest rally in Quetta demanding better health and safety for all mine workers.
In a separate event, in late December of last year, ten left wing parties [4] in Pakistan announced an alliance in order to overcome the weakness of the human and labour rights movements in that country.
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Source URL: http://aawl.org.au/content/mine-deaths-lead-protest-rally-pakistan
[1] http://aawl.org.au/content/mine-deaths-lead-protest-rally-pakistan
[2] http://www.industriall-union.org/pakistan-anger-soars-over-frequent-fatalities-in-mines?utm_source=Newsletters+in+english&utm_campaign=ddae2511fb-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_01_25&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_65751b77d5-ddae2511fb-19116053
[3] http://aawl.org.au/content/more-coal-workers-killed-pakistan
[4] https://www.dawn.com/news/1379712