To the President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa
- Details
- Created: Tuesday, 05 April 2022 23:30
- Hits: 823
Subject: Protest against the lockout order against striking AMCU and NUM miners by the Sibanye Stillwater board. Dear Mr President m ne name is Andreas Tadysiak, I worked in the German underground coal mining industry for 40 years until 2019, of which about 35 years as an electrician. I am the main coordinator of the international miners' coordination and I call on them to protest in the strongest terms against the lockout order of the AMCU and NUM striking miners
by the board of Stillwater Sibanye! Sibanye Stillwater is one of the ten largest gold producers in the world and cannot meet the miners' legitimate wage demands so that they and their families can live decently? Protect the right to assemble and bargain. For free trade union activity! For a full and universal legal right to strike! For a future worth living for our children and future generations. We as the International Miners' Coordination are not prepared to accept this. Support the miners and their families! Respectfully Andreas Tadysiak Chief Coordinator of the International Mineworkers' Coordination