Miners for AUF at the Durham Miners' Big Meeting
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- Created: Tuesday, 18 July 2023 12:37
- Hits: 556

A delegation from Miners for AUF and one with members of the MLPD from Germany also took part in the 137th Durham Miners Gala on 8 July. The Durham County coalfield is located in the north-east of England. It is known for its militant miners' movement. This tradition connects with today's struggles and demands of the working class for higher wages, against the increase of the retirement age, for saving the environment.
Railway workers, teachers, health workers and so on took part.Banners, some of them very old, are proudly hoisted and carried through the streets.But there are also new banners, like the one of the WOMEN BANNER GROUP, around which militant women organise.The participation of Kumpel für AUF was also greeted with applause and thumbs up and many addressed us with "GutenTag!" and stressed the importance of mutual solidarity. Quite a few drew the attention of the German delegation to the fact that the gala is the biggest manifestation for a socialist society in Britain. Our delegation was able to make many new contacts and the forthcoming 3rd International Miners' Conference attracted a lot of interest. We made it clear that the Miners from Durham have a great responsibility for this conference and must not be absent there under any circumstances with their experiences, especially in the big miners' strike in 1984. Our arguments fell on fertile ground. The short video of the delegations from the region with brass bands and banners on their way to the demonstration gives a small impression of the militant determination of the miners yesterday and today!
sorry translate from deepl.com