To the miners and metalworkers and their families in Chiatura
- Details
- Created: Saturday, 16 November 2024 22:58
- Hits: 98
Dear friends and families, As the main coordinator and on behalf of the International Miners' Coordination, I express our solidarity and full support for your determined fight for your jobs.
It is outrageous how the mining company and its servile government are treating you.
With the election of Donald Trump as President of the USA, these attacks against the labour movement and the people, against all progressive people, will increase further and lead to crises like the open government crises that we are currently experiencing in Germany. In many countries of the world, the rightward development and fascistisation of those in government, the exploitation and oppression of workers and the masses are intensifying once again.
My impression is that the company wants to use the government to shirk its responsibility and make additional profit. It is well known that many shareholders are in the old and new government. Here, on the grounds that exports to Russia have declined, attempts are being made to eliminate the hard-won achievements. This makes it clear how the exploitation of the miners is to be increased here with half-truths in order to increase profit.
Not only the miners are supposed to accept losses, but also the villagers and residents are supposed to accept the mining damage. The justified protest of those affected is criminalised and played off against the miners' jobs.
This is where the joint struggle of the miners, metalworkers and the masses for the preservation of jobs, apprenticeships and against the shifting of the crisis burdens onto the masses is imposed.
We welcome the demands you have set out in your open letter and stand by your side. During my visit to Chiatura in October, I got to know some miners and your working and living situation, and we became friends.
The 3rd International Miners' Conference in 2023 in Germany had declared: No struggle must stand alone! Cross-border solidarity, coordination and cooperation are the order of the day!
We will now deliver on this: write to us and tell us what kind of support you need from us. We have started to publicise your situation and your struggle in Germany and internationally. If you would like us to, we will do everything we can to support your strike with a delegation.
Solidarity and militant greetings
Andreas Tadysiak
Main Coordinator of the International Miners' Coordination