Declaration of solidarity to the Indian miners on the occasion of their general strike on 2 September 2016
- Details
- Parent Category: Worldwide struggles
- Created: Thursday, 01 September 2016 11:32
- Hits: 5022

Dear miners and dear mining families in India,
on behalf of the miners of the world, the members of the Coordinating Group of the International Miners' Coordination conveys our solidarity with your general strike on 2 September.
In many countries, we are having the same disputes as you, partially even facing the same international corporations.
We believe that we, the miners of the world, must jointly act against that. Thus, the 2nd International Miners' Conference will take place in Ramagundam/Godavarikhani in India from 3 to 5 February 2017. We intend to decide on a joint Practical Program then.
Joint the International Miners' Movement and come to the 2nd International Miners' Conference.
We wish you a lot of success and are with you with all our heart.
We are making the struggle known worldwide.
Glück AUF („good luck", Geman miners' saying)
International Coordinating Group of the International Miners' Coordination
Andreas Tadysiak