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Philippines: Declaration of protest against the repression and unjustified accusations against trade union activists Ed Cubelo and Rodrigo Esparago in Manila

To the Philippine government, trade union KMU, Defend Jobs (DJP)

We, the International Coordinating Group of the International Miners Coordination, protest in the strongest terms against the repression and measures taken by the government against trade unionists. The two trade unionists Ed Cubelo and Rodrigo Esparago are accused of violating the anti-terrorism law. Trade union activity is not terrorism!

The struggle programme of the International Mineworkers' Coordination states: "...We demand that all governments of the world protect the right to organise, assemble and negotiate. We organise strikes and demand that the corporations respect this.

For free trade union and political activity! For a complete and universal legal right to strike! For trade unions as fighting organisations

to defend and improve our living, wage and working conditions!"Excerpt from the struggle programme of the International Miners' Coordination

We call on the government of the Philippines to refrain from any attacks on the trade union rights of workers and their unions. The accusations against Ed Cubelo and Rodrigo Esparago must be withdrawn immediately! They deserve our full solidarity!

Yours with kind regards

Andreas Tadysiak

Maincoordinator of the International Miners Coordination